We are looking forward to the 2023 Camp! Please register here and this site will provide you with all the information you need for the camp. The schedule and more information is available below. Please direct any questions to Kamini or add to the discussion forum in the upper right corner of each page
Some of the coaches and paddlers from FCRCC Premier

Andrea Dillon
Andrea brings a paddling background that started in University with the National Canoe Instructors School, guiding canoe trips in Ontario, Quebec, BC and the Yukon, racing dragon boat, marathon canoe, and outrigger distance and sprint with FCRCC since 1987. Success has come in all disciplines nationally and internationally, both as a paddler and a coach. Andrea is a multiple medallist in World Outrigger Sprints and the World Dragon Boat Championships. She is an inaugural member of Dragon Boat Canada's Hall of Fame. Currently, Andrea is involved with Dragon Boat Canada to rewrite all levels of their coaching courses.
Her passion to coach is to hone technical movements and then connect this to the power application to work towards an athlete’s best performance. Excellence comes to those who can continually learn. A coach’s role is to contribute to that learning, but success is a two-way street.

Leah Nagano
Leah has been paddling for over 30 years and has coached for the past 25. She currently paddles outrigger canoe and dragon boat for FCRCC Premier, coached by Kamini Jain and Andrea Dillon. Leah has raced outrigger for over 20 years and has medalled at the IVF Va'a World Sprints. She has also competed at multiple World Nations Dragon Boat Championships and is a multiple IDBF World medallist. Leah has been coaching with Kamini at camps and clinics for several years and shares her passion for empowering individuals to perform at their absolute best.

Susan Mott
Susan has always had a love of the water. She started her career as a sailing instructor, canoe instructor and then became involved in paddling dragon boat. Joining the False Creek Racing and Canoe Club’s High Performance Program, Susan continued to develop her skills in both dragon boat and outrigger canoe. Her continued, competitive drive to improve both physically and technically assisted her to becoming a member of the Canadian National Premier Mixed Crew where she has been a multiple medalist at 4 World Championships. Susan has taken these experiences and incorporated them into developing her own coaching style.
Susan encourages her athletes to set attainable goals and open their minds to different, yet proven technical models. Her coaching objective is to encourage paddlers to have fun and assist them to reach their goals through strong physical and mental discipline.
General Information
Camp Schedule
Survey: Completion required
Camp Groups to come
Camp Safety Protocol
Camp paddling Groups

About this course
- $236.25
- 7 lessons
- 0 hours of video content